1. COMPLETED BASELINE TESTING IS A SIGNIFICANT DETERRENT TO ENBRIDGE /SPECTRA and makes a compressor station BUILD less desirable here, as air and well water data collected before construction would give us proof of contamination once operations commence. Baseline testing makes pipeline operators culpable.
2. BASELINE TESTING IS AN IMPORTANT BACKUP FOR OUR COMPRESSOR STATION BYLAW 4.11 which requires Enbridge/Spectra to hire an independent contractor (chosen by the town) for baseline and ongoing air & water testing. Should Enbridge "side step" this bylaw, we will have the necessary data to protect ourselves.
3. BASELINE WATER TESTING NEAR EXISTING GAS TRANSMISSION LINES WILL PROVIDE DATA THAT OUR WATER IS SAFE* By calling into question the condition of the Algonquin pipeline here, we challenge its suitability for increased capacity and pressure along its entire 1,100-mile route.
*While there is public transparency as to the location and severity of roughly 20,000 local gas distribution line leaks in MA, there is no such information available to citizens living right beside interstate gas transmission lines (which are significantly larger, and under much higher pressure than local lines that distribute gas to users).
CARCS will be conducting air testing and collecting data around the perimeter of the compressor station site in Rehoboth, Attleboro, and Seekonk. We will be testing Rehoboth wells around the perimeter of the site, as well as selectively baseline testing certain wells closest in proximity to the existing Algonquin transmission lines.
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